Dmitry А. Rakhmanin  , Alexander К.Trifonov


Conference Number HiSST 2018_39101097

When considering multichannel air intake devices, it is necessary to take into account a set of flow features that distinguish them from conventional single-channel air intake devices. The results of computational and experimental studies of the flow characteristics in the channels of the air intake device consisting of four channel inlets operating on a single chamber are presented. The object of research is single-mode four-channel air intake devices designed for small supersonic speeds corresponding to the Mach number M=1,8. The flow structure in the channel of each inlet, which changes during the mechanical throttling of the entire air intake device, is considered. It is shown experimentally that the difference between the highest and lowest values of the total pressure recovery coefficient in the channels of the air intake device in the area of the angular point of throttle characteristic can reach a significant value. The influence of vortexes formed in the end part of the integration chamber on the operation resistance of the air intake device is considered, and a possible way to increase the stability of the intake is considered.

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