Hye-Sung Kim , Won-Sub Hwang , Seung-Min Jeong , Jeong-Yeol Choi
Conference Number HiSST 2018_33601050
A series of high-resolution numerical study is carried out to understand the effects of fuel temperature the characteristics of supersonic combustion. Constant mass flow rate condition was selected to investigate the effect of fuel temperature on the supersonic turbulent flame. The Mathematical and numerical formulations are hybrid RANS/LES formulation and multi-dimensional 5th-order oMLP scheme, those were validated for the experimental case from the previous study. The combustion characteristics were investigated through the comparison of the combustion parameters including OH mass fraction, scalar dissipation rate, flame index and so on. As a result of investigation, it is found that it is found that the combustion regime changes from partially-premixed-combustion to mixing dominant nonpremixed combustion.