A.S. Filatyev , O.V. Yanova
Conference Number HiSST 2018_26601040
The new generation of adaptive guidance systems for aerospace transport systems (ATS) differs from the modern one primarily in the “intellectualization” of the process of choosing guidance strategies by solving on board not just boundary-value problems to fulfill terminal conditions, but also control optimization. The adaptive optimal guidance algorithm (AOGA) developed, aimed at maximizing the area of trajectory controllability and, as a consequence, performing a flight mission for the widest possible range of disturbances and failures. Such an AOGA quality is achieved due to using the indirect optimization method – the Pontryagin maximum principle, which ensuring the implementation of the limiting possibilities for launch vehicles (LV), and the through consideration (from the start to the target boundary conditions) of the injection process. The paper demonstrates the AOGA ability both in the formation of nominal trajectories and LV control programs, as well as in real-time correction of perturbation trajectories. The efficiency of the proposed approach to improve tolerance to various perturbations is confirmed by results of modeling the injection processes of modern LV.