Valeria Vercella  Davide Ferretto  , Roberta Fusaro, Nicole Viola  , Victor Fernandez Villace and Johan Steelant


Conference Number HiSST 2018_24701082

This paper deals with the peculiar aspect of fuel costs estimation for hypersonic transportation systems. Considering that the expenses related to fuel can reach up to the 90% of the overall Direct Operating Costs, it represents one of the most relevant cost items of the overall Life Cycle Cost. For this reason, this paper suggests a methodology to assess the impact of the LH2 price on DOC for a hypersonic point-to-point mission. Starting from an overview of the current productive scenarios, future possible technological improvements allowing an increment of the production rate are analysed. The impact of all these aspects on cost estimation are investigated and proper predictive model discussed, together with the identification of social and environmental issues related to the introduction of these new methods. Eventually, the results of the fuel cost estimation for LAPCAT MR2 vehicle will be presented

Read the full paper from the Polito website >

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