David J. Munk , Gareth A. Vio , Dries Verstraete, Victor F. Villace, Johan Steelant


Conference Number HiSST 2018_1760854

The structural design of hypersonic aircraft is a difficult task, requiring the coupling and consideration of several physical phenomena. The high flight speeds result in excessive temperatures that, along with the large aerodynamic pressures, must be sustained by the structure. Furthermore, to satisfy the stability criteria of the aircraft, the centre of gravity must not be behind the aerodynamic centre. Therefore, reducing the mass towards the backend of the vehicle is of utmost importance. Topology optimisation has matured to one of the most important aspects of structural design. Currently it is used by industry for building and bridge design. However, the highly complex, transient, multi-physics environment of hypersonic aircraft has not yet seen the application of topology optimisation. Therefore, in this study, the internal structure of the vertical fins for the High-speed Experimental Fly vehicles – International (HEXAFLY-INT) ESA led project, developing an experimental hypersonic transport aircraft, is designed using a novel discrete topology optimisation algorithm. The algorithm considers, for the first time, the transient effects of the flight trajectory to ensure a holistic design for the entire mission is developed.

Read the full paper from KU Leuven website>

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